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Writer's pictureRubén Moreno

The Private Security Operations Management System (PSOMS)

The Private Security Operations Management System (PSOMS) is the set of guidelines, processes, personnel, documentation, infrastructure and other elements of the organization that work together and in coordination to ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of security operations and their processes. directors and administrative support, while complying with the applicable legal, regulatory and contractual requirements, including those related to respect for human rights.

This is made up of all the elements of the organization that work together and in coordination to achieve the objectives of the private security company. Some of the most important elements of the PSOMS

are shown in the following figure:

What is it for?

The implementatios of a Private Security Operations Management System that meets all the requirements established in the ISO 18788 Standard allows a private security company to advance in an orderly and systematic way to ensure the achievement of its organizational objectives, the fulfillment of its contractual commitments and the satisfaction of its clients.

This set of organizational elements has as main objectives:

  1. Carry out its security operations in an effective, professional, efficient and safe manner, to ensure the satisfaction of its clients, staff, suppliers and other interested entities, such as, for example, the people of the communities in which it operates,

  2. Ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements that apply, as well as the international principles of respect for human rights, and the other voluntary commitments that it subscribes, and

  3. Continuously improve its processes, results, personnel and other elements of its management.

Frequent deficiencies of the current PSOMS of a security company

Based on the information presented above, it can be said that every private security company, by the mere fact of existing, already has a private security operations management system. However, this does not mean that this system is complete, appropriate, internally consistent, adequately documented, sufficiently effective, efficient, or that it operates under acceptably controlled conditions.

Deficiencies are often found in context analysis and risk analysis and control, leading to inadequate, inconsistent or incomplete strategic or operational planning.

The PSOMS of a company may not have all the necessary elements recommended by good security practices. For example, a complete analysis for risk management, internal audit processes, corrective action, document control, record control, context analysis, adequate insurance management, adequate internal communication procedures, or inconsistencies in the control of tactical and logistical operations.

There are cases in which the working methods and the results that are generated are not necessarily congruent with the objectives, goals and policies of the company.

It is frequent that many processes and activities are carried out based on the experience, inspiration and values ​​understood of those responsible for carrying them out, and not in a consistent and uniform way, because there are no documented procedures and instructions, or they have not been effectively communicated to the staff. This increases the probability of increasing errors or omissions in the control of security operations, including poor insurance management, or non-compliance with legal, regulatory or contractual requirements.

How to implement an adequate and effective Private Security Operations Management System?

One of the most recommended strategies to implement a complete, coherent and effective private security operations management system is to use as guides and reference documents the most widely used international standards for these systems, which establish the elements and internationally accepted good practices that They should be integrated into the management system of a private security company to increase the probability of meeting its objectives. Among these international standards are ISO 18788, ISO 45001, ISO 9001, ISO 28000, PSC-1 and BASC, which we will present and explain in subsequent articles. We will continue with this series of articles on Private Security Operations Management.


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