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Health & Safety Management

An organization is responsible for the occupational health and safety (OH&S) of employees and others who can be affected by its activities. This responsibility includes promoting and protecting their physical and mental health.

The adoption of an OH&S management system is intended to enable an organization to provide safe and healthy workplaces, prevent work-related injury and ill health, and continually improve its OH&S performance.

The aim and intended outcomes of the OH&S management system are to prevent work-related injury and ill health to workers and to provide safe and healthy workplaces by assesing risks and opportunities.

Consequently, it is critically important for the organization to eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks by taking effective preventive and protective measures. Additionally, an OH&S management system can assist an organization to identify and fulfil its legal requirements.

Man Welding

Increase productivity

by controlling risks and exploiting opportunities

Go to Standards

INSI can help your organization implement, update, and/or obtaining the certification of its OH&S management system based on the requirements and best practices stablished in the International Standard:

  • ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

Additionally, we can help Oil & Gas service providers in Mexico to fulfill the environmental requirements stablished in the Pemex Annex OHS&E (Anexo SSPA) as part of their contract.

What if your organization is from an industry with high OH&S risks?

An organizations OH&S performance is not related to whether or not it has high-risk activities, but rather how it handles threats, implements controls to reduce the probability of risks and exploits opportunities.


However, it is important to have a plan to continuously improve the OH&S performance, reduce the risk to all its workers, and comply with applicable legal requirements. It is also important to highlight that this is NOT an impediment to obtain a certification under any regulatory scheme.

An organization can have a perfectly implemented OH&S management system and not have an impeccable OH&S performance. They can even have multiple high-risk hazards and even legal implications!

                                                  so we can better understand your OH&S needs and create a work plan to help your organization!

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