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Social Responsability & Diversity

Awareness of social responsibility, inclusion, and diversity is on the rise. Usually, fair treatment typically is the main reason behind these efforts, but organizations have increasingly begun to regard them as sources of competitive advantage, and key components of their growth strategy.

Organizations have progressively improved the work conditions within them. However, many remains to be done to fully take advantage of the underlying benefits 

Therefore, organizations have to focus on strategies that promote a culture where social awareness thrive if they want to outperform their competitors. Complete support from the whole organization, specifically top management, is required.


Responsibility that translates into improvement

Go to Standards

Aligned with this way of thinking, organizations have also been promoting work equality and non-discrimination policies in accordance with national laws that govern them.


INSI can help your organization adhere to reference standards that establishe the requirements for public, private, and social workplaces to integrate, implement, and execute practices for labor equality and non-discrimination. This allows organizations to support the integral development of their employees and the community.

  • ISO 26000 - Social Responsibility

  • SA8000 - Social Responsibility

  • NMX-R-025 – Labor Equality and Non-discrimination

The compliance with the “SA8000 - Social Responsibility” and “NMX-R-025 – Labor Equality and Non-discrimination” standards can be certified by a certification body

                                             so we can better understand your current situation and create a work plan to help your organization!

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